How to become an appointed precinct committee person (PC)

The minimum duties of a PC shall be to assist the Cochise County Democratic Party (CCDP) in voter registration and to assist get out the vote (GOTV) actions on election days. The CCDP encourages PCs to be part of outreach activities in the precinct where they live when they occur during the election cycle.

The term of office of an appointed PC is from the day that they are appointed until October 1 after the following primary election at which PC is appointed.  In this election cycle that is October 1, 2024

To become an appointed PC, you must be a registered voter in the Democratic Party living in Cochise County.  Your first step is to fill out a Precinct Committee Person Appointment Application.  Please contact the CCDP Chair, Elisabeth Tyndall at   to get further information and the appointment application.

If you received the application from another source, it must be returned to Elisabeth Tyndall rather than submitting it to the county elections department.


She will submit it to the county elections department and notify you that your are a valid appointed Precinct Committee Person.

Washington Post: No Labels party may be a front for Republican groups

Will the No Labels party play in Cochise County?  I'm not sure.  They have qualified as a registered party in Arizona.  There are charges that while they profess to be a group to appeal to voters disaffected by both parties or those known as Independents, they are really more of a GOP influence group that may torpedo President Biden's reelection chances.
Jennifer Rubin, an opinion columnist of the Washington Post, says follow the money to learn what is really going on with the No Labels.
Read about here.

Bisbee Pride Celebration – June 17 2023

Cochise County candidates for supervisor in district 1 & 2 enjoyed the Pride parade and festivities

Kristen Engle, Candidate for Congress CD 6, Theresa Walsh and Joni Giacomino, Candidate for Supervisor District 2

Supervisor Ann English and Theresa Walsh, Candidate for Supervisor District 1

Theresa Walsh - Candidate for Supervisor District 1

Governor Hobbs vetoes ballot hand count bill

State Rep Gail Griffin works with County Recorder David Stevens to 100% hand counts of ballots INSTEAD OF machine tabulation

Unfortunately this is behind a paywall. However, the key sentence in this article is "But Griffin acknowledged she worked with Cochise County Recorder David Stevens, a fellow Republican, to craft the measure." Stevens is part of the problem here in Cochise County. We need change - in the Board of Supervisors and the County Recorder's office. Be sure to check out Anne Carl running for County Recorder and our Board of Supervisors candidates Theresa Walsh in District 1; Joni Giamonici, Mitch Lindemann, Stephen Pausen in District 2.

The bill has been reported previously with the expectation that it would be vetoed.  It now has.

If you can get into Capitol Times, read the article here.


Bob Karp: Didn’t Mohave County learn anything from Cochise County?

Mohave County plans on doing a hand count of 2024 general election ballots

From the AZMirror on 6/7/2023:  "A day after supervisors in a northwestern Arizona county voted to request a plan to hand-count ballots in the 2024 presidential election, Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes sent a letter to Mohave County supervisors on Tuesday telling them he is concerned that moving forward would break state and federal laws, potentially be insecure, and would lead to inaccurate results.
“Hand counting ballots is incredibly prone to human error, which results in a time-intensive process to arrive at correct, final results,” Fontes, a Democrat, wrote. “However, even assuming correct and final results, state law does not allow county boards … to unilaterally substitute a hand count for certified and tested electronic tabulation equipment.”"
Commentary by Bob Karp:  We have seen the results of this decision by the Cochise County Board of Supervisors two Republican officials, Peggy Judd and Tom Crosby.  Multiple lawsuits, the respected county Elections Director quitting and ultimately winning a toxic workplace lawsuit in the amount of $130,000 and lawyers fees and other costs paid by county taxpayers in excess of $190,000.  Now the Elections Director is the handpicked applicant of County Recorder David Stevens another Republican who sides with the Tom Crosby and other election deniers including a losing Republican candidate for Arizona Secretary of State is known to have posted on social media that he also is an election denier.
Two things stand out:  the Republican majority on the Board of Supervisors is willing to ignore legal advice from the County Attorney and the courts, as well as be fiscally irresponsible with taxpayer dollars by engaging in actions that make governing the county more difficult.
County voters should be very worried that elections procedures going forwarded may be tainted with partisan meddling by the board, Recorder and Elections Director.  Democrats particularly should we warry of the process of validating nomination petitions for their August 2024 primary.
Read the entire article at



Lisa Marra settles with Cochise County

Full article from Arizona Public Media - no paywall!

Complete background on the recent settlement between former County Elections Director, Lisa Marra, and Cochise County.  Learn about the "toxic workplace" that Marra alleges as well as how Supervisors Judd and Crosby as well as county Recorder David Stevens, were responsible for the $130,000 payout from the county's insurance carrier.
Complete article on is here.