How to sign a candidate nomination petition online

Signing online takes only two minutes

The Arizona Secretary of State's online candidate petition system is secure and easy to use.  You will need your Arizona driver's license and your home address used when you registered to vote.

Information provided is not authorized by the Arizona Secretary of State’s office.  It should be used as a guide to signing through the E-Qual system, and may not reflect changes in the system or laws. 

Before you start:  have your Arizona State Driver's License or Voter ID and DOB available.

In your browser start at

Click on the SIGN A CANDIDATE NOMINATING PETITION graphic.  Note:  Ignore the $5 dollar qualifying contribution button for this action.

Enter your information (usually AZ driver's license and DOB)
You do not need your Voter  Registration ID and the last four digits of your social security number if you have your driver's license info.
Select the Submit button at the bottom left of the screen to got to the address verification screen.

Only the street number of your address is shown with the state and the Zip code.  Make sure this matches where you are registered to vote before continuing.

If the address information is correct, select the Yes button at the left bottom of the screen.

The system shows only those candidates that have allowed for online nomination petition signatures that YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SIGN.  This means the system has correctly identified the district(s) in which you live and has shown you candidates running in the Democratic Primary (for partisan offices) or November 2024 general election (for non partisan offices) in your district.
Note: If you are registered as an Independent or have not declared a party, you are shown all candidates that have online petitions available.
Note:  The image shown to the left is as of 4/25/2023 for a registered Democrat living in Sierra Vista.  Your list could be different.  Be sure to scroll completely through the list to see all candidates available to you.
To sign a petition, select the candidate's name on the left.
The candidate's petition information is shown.  You have the option of providing the candidate your email address.  It is not required to sign the petition.
If you want to sign, select the "Yes, I want to sign the petition" button to sign.  Be sure to click yes on the confirmation button on the final screen.

That's it, you're done!

Posted in Act.