Letters to the editor (LTE)

Old school in this digital era?

Does anyone read print newspapers anymore?  Why write a LTE?  To answer the second question think about the first question.  (Print) newspaper readership mirrors the change in demographics.  It used to be that I would say no one under 40 reads a newspaper anymore.  Now it's probably 50 and maybe even higher.  Look in any residential neighborhood in Sierra Vista in the morning.  How many driveways have a newspaper on them?  Yes, people buy newspapers at Frys or Safeway, or maybe at a minimart.  One just needs to be realistic about whom you are reaching.
Ok, so who is that?  Older, engaged in their community, readers of longer content, educated - most likely some or all of these attributes.   What don't we know about them?  Their politics.  Does it matter?  No.  They vote in greater numbers than any other group.
Answering the why write question - because reaching any voter in Cochise County is a good thing that you want to do when you are making a political statement, argument for or against a candidate or office holder.  A LTE reaches voters without any cost.  Free advertising!
Read our post How to get your Letter to the Editor published for more information


Posted in Amplify.