Why to click on a Facebook post

Clicking on a Facebook post going to another website can help get the message out

Ok, for very selfish reasons you should be clicking on TCP posts on our Facebook page, particularly those that have COCHISEPROJECT.COM in the heading.  Why?
Because directing traffic to an outside website, this one, or a candidate's, group, or organization, will raise the site in search results as well as feeds inside of Facebook.  The goal is to amplify messages to as many people as possible with no cost and very little effort.  Each click helps build "credibility" within the search engines and Facebook itself allowing for higher ranking.
Social media is still one of the best and least expensive ways for candidates to get their message out to voters.  You can help by clicking.
However, before you click, make sure you want to go to that site.  That it is not some way to get your user information for bad purposes. (All those polls and surveys on Facebook are bad news, harvesting your personal data to be sold to third parties.) Once you feel it is a trusted site and click, it would be nice if you read whatever the content is.  For example many of the TCP posts have links for additional action or information.
Posted in Amplify.