Another day, another lawsuit

Cochise County gains a new lawsuit

A watchdog group, American Oversight has filed a lawsuit to compel Cochise County supervisors, County Recorder Stevens to turn over documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
Read the details here.

Update on Threads

Threads and X (Twitter) - time to switch?

December 19, 2023:  A lot has happened since Threads launched at the beginning of July 2023.  Twitter became X and went total conspiracy-comfortable as a platform.  In the last week noted and convicted conspiracist Alex Jones has been welcomed back on the platform.  For many advertisers and major content accounts that was it, and they have begun to disengage from X.
After a big start with a 100 million signups, Threads found it's daily user numbers declining.  However, during the last four months the Threads team has added a lot of functionality including a desktop app, a new version of hashtags and enhanced search and filtering.  The result has been increased user engagement and major content creators getting serious about using this platform.
More politicians, campaigns, and activists groups are showing up on  Threads.  Now may be the time to take a look at getting on.
I'm on there  and in the last few weeks I went from just a few followers up to 60+.  (Not huge but the right direction).


Cochise County cannot count ballots by hand!

End of Cochise County election nonsense?

From the Democracy Docket: "WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday, Oct. 18, an Arizona appellate court affirmed a lower court ruling that determined that Cochise County, Arizona could not conduct a hand count audit of all early ballots for the 2022 midterm elections. As Cochise County has indicated it would conduct future hand count audits, this ruling bars those as well. "
Read the entire article at


Sign up to be a Cochise County poll worker

Learn how you can be a part of our democratic process

Cochise County needs reliable non-political poll workers for elections in 2024.  You may have the opportunity to work in the March 2024 presidential preference primary, the August primary election and the November general election.  The county needs an infusion of new workers as many workers are now getting too old to continue working.  Fill out the application here.  Training is in February 2024.

Volunteer to write postcards

Write postcards to voters!

Write postcards for candidates, campaigns and issues.  Sign up on Mobilize  or learn more about it here.
Join Third Act and Activate America to write 10,000 postcards in the Fall of 2023! We will together write postcards to voters and help safeguard our democracy, win elections in Fall 2023, and build voter enthusiasm and turnout to elect progressives and climate champions in 2024.