MSNBC – Election suit from Arizona’s Lake leads to sanctions (yes, again)

Commentary by Steve Benen of MSNBC

Some background and thoughts on various lawsuits filed by losing Republican candidates including our very own loser for governor Kari Lake.  Benen writes:
"Ordinarily, once a civil case runs its course in court, the process ends and those involved move on. But in the wake of the 2020 election cycle, plenty of Republican conspiracy theorists lost plenty of lawsuits — and as it turns out, the courtroom defeats weren’t the end of their troubles.
At the heart of the problem is the simple fact that the GOP litigants brought cases that never should’ve been filed. The result has been a striking series of court-imposed sanctions on a sizable group of Republican plaintiffs. The Arizona Republic reported late last week on one of the more notable examples."
Get the complete viewpoint on the Rachel Maddow MSNBC blog.


Posted in Commentary.