Herald Review: I have questions by Elisabeth Tyndall

 Sierra Vista Herald on 4/27/23
To the editor:
I have questions about Tuesday’s selection of Cochise County’s new Elections Director. Somehow Interim Director and Recorder David Stevens found a person to run the department that left his position in New Mexico pre-election and now is leaving another AZ county. A quick social media search provides a glimpse of a person who likes to travel and spread election disinformation.
This person’s application indicates he is not certified in Arizona to run elections and apparently doesn’t want prospective employers to contact his old jobs. Will Mr. Bartelsmeyer hang around for multiple elections in 2024, or will he move on to the next big thing? Will Mr. Bartelsmeyer be a rubber stamp for Crosby, Judd and Stevens who would like to have in person, paper ballot, no early voting, only in your precinct elections?
After the continued shameful tax dollar wasting actions by these three, how can we trust that this choice is the best for Cochise County voters and not yet another move to make Cochise the laboratory for election deniers? Either way Cochise County voters are the losers if Crosby, Judd and Stevens continue to use disinformation to make their decisions.
Elisabeth Tyndall
Sierra Vista
Posted in Letters to the editor.