Herald Review: Please sign the recall petition by Ronnie Maestas-Condos

Published in the Herald/Review 4/26/2023
I like Tom Crosby. Newflash: I neither like Tom nor dislike Tom. I am a constituent of Mr. Crosby, who is the current supervisor of District 1 in Cochise County, which includes Sierra Vista and surrounding areas. There seem to be many who are unaware of Mr. Crosby but please read on.
Recently I have been called upon to engage in a signature gathering effort to recall Mr. Crosby along with many other alarmed District 1 constituents. The reason we are feeling a need to act and recall Mr. Crosby is because he, along with Supervisor Peggy Judd and County Recorder David Stevens, were engaged in an effort to deny the results and thereby the votes of 48,000 Arizona voters. They defied a court order, ignored the advice of legal council and the demands of Arizona election officials to certify the 2022 election results.
Mr. Crosby and Ms. Judd, as a result of their continued obstructive behavior, have incurred more than $100,000 in legal fees which will be courtesy of our tax dollars. So I do not like nor dislike Mr. Crosby but it seems he did not like the results of our votes and chose instead to spread misinformation about those results, and cause people to mistrust a proven system. Mr. Crosby acted illegally and unfaithfully, he cannot be trusted and needs to be recalled from office.
Please sign the recall petition.
Ronnie Maestas-Condos
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