Attorney asks AZ Supreme Court to throw out 2022 election

Commentary by Bob Karp follows

"PHOENIX — A Scottsdale attorney who is a supporter of Kari Lake is asking the Arizona Supreme Court to void not just the results of the race for governor she lost but the entire 2022 election statewide.
In a new filing, Ryan Heath contends that it was illegal for Maricopa County to verify signatures on early ballots by comparing them with images from prior early ballots. He contends Arizona law says the only valid comparison has to be with the person’s original voter registration."
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Commentary by Bob Karp
Elected officials raise your hand if you want a 2022 election do-over. If yes, then immediately resign and ask for a special election. These lawsuits show no good faith in our election process in this state. And the unspoken agreement by everyone filing lawsuits is that these objections would overwhelmingly disenfranchise Democratic Party voters. For over 20 years Republicans have dominated the AZ political scene and we have had mail-in balloting - not a peep out of them. Now a flurry of the most technical and bad faith arguments.
Posted in Commentary, News.