Cochise County jail district passes

Jail District half-cent tax passes

From the 5/17/2023 Herald/Review "BISBEE — Cochise County is getting a new jail thanks to 11,951 people who voted yes to a half–cent sales tax increase, according to the unofficial results as reported by County Recorder David Stevens at 8 p.m. Tuesday night.  Less than one-third of registered voters participated in the special mail-in only election.  No votes at 8 p.m. totaled 10,988. Yes votes accounted for 52.06% of the 22,939 ballots; no votes were at 47.87%."
This is the unofficial results of ballots returned by mail as of 8:00 PM May, 16, 2023.  Early ballots or replacement ballots dropped off yesterday have yet to be counted.
However, the 1,000 vote margin for Yes probably will not reduce dramatically when the final totals are certified.
This means that the Cochise Jail District is formed and can start to collect the half-cent sales tax as well as begin the process of planning for the new jail.
Read more about election results online at the Herald/Review website.
Posted in News.