Request to be a contributor

We are looking for commentary, essays, and interesting view points to be included on our News/Commentary pages.  We will accept one offs, without having to become a contributor.  For those who want to regularly contribute, we suggest becoming a contributor.
A few guidelines for submissions:
  1. Keep it relatively short.  No more than about 400 words.  It is acceptable for it to be a lot shorter!
  2. Limit your submission to a single topic: a candidate, policy item, news item.
  3. Be current.  Do not comment on something six months old.  Think in terms of the last few week.
  4. Content have direct relevance to Cochise County elections.
  5. Refer to whatever you are commenting on in the heading.
  6. No profanity, name calling or other personal attacks.  Talk about policy or your ideas or a reaction to a news event.
  7. Please proof read for spelling.
If you want to send us commentary please feel out the contact form below.  We will contact you by email to continue the process with more detailed instructions.  We reserve the right to decline to accept a submission for publication for any reason.
We look forward hearing from you.
Posted in Site adminstration.