
Why getting Democrats elected is important

Create policies that reflect a broad consensus

Since the 2020 election of Supervisor Tom Crosby representing district 1, and reelection of Supervisor Peggy Judd in district 2, the board majority has moved county policy to the far right.  The chaos in the aftermath of the 2022 general election where the board majority refused to certify the election and ultimately cost county taxpayers over $175,000 in attorney’s fees has dealt Cochise County a huge reputational blow.  The Cochise County Recorder, David Stevens, has aligned himself with a prominent election denier.
Democrats want to move public policy back to the main stream, particularly at the county level.  This can only happen by winning elections!

Govern responsibly

Supervisor Judd, who attended the Stop the Steal rally on January 6, 2021 (she did not go to the capitol), and Supervisor Crosby also cost the county federal dollars when they refused $1,9 million for COVID public health funding in the middle of the pandemic.  They have been accused of violating Arizona open meeting laws, forcing the county Election Director to quit her job, and refusing the advice of the County Attorney.
This is certainly not the type of good government that represents the values and policies of most Cochise County residents.

Protect voting rights for all citizens

Voting by mail is popular in Cochise County and all of Arizona.  About 80% of all registered voters vote by mail or early.  Republicans in the state legislature and on the county Board of Supervisors want to end voting by mail and early voting.  Forcing voters to vote in person on election day.
Voters do not want this!  Making such changes will cost the county more to conduct elections and reduce turnout.  Voting should be made easier while ensuring that only eligible citizens are able to vote.

Build bench strength for Democrats

Because Democrats have not won many partisan offices in the county, potential candidates are discouraged from running at all levels.  Current District 2 Supervisor Anne English is the only Democrat that has been consistently elected in the county for the last decade.  Democrats have run for the state legislature and have lost by large margins.  The last Cochise County Democrat to be elected to the state legislature was Pat Fleming, elected in 2010!
In 2022 Democrat Clea McCaa was elected mayor of Sierra Vista, the only Democrat to currently serve in the nonpartisan city council.  There are a few Democrats serving on the Bisbee & Douglas  City Councils and various school boards, but most office holders at all levels in Cochise County are registered Republicans.
Winning creates enthusiasm among activists, volunteers, donors, and ultimately potential candidates.  Democrats who win at the local level, School Board, City Council, Special Districts, will get known by the public and can move up to "higher office" at the county and state levels.